Monday, October 17, 2005

i'll have what she's having

anyone seen the new set wet ads? you know, the body cologne that promises to render you 'very very sexy'. i've been watching a lot of tv lately and two ads from the set wet people have me intrigued.

if you haven't seen it, it goes something like this. two guys in two ads slather on large quantities of set wet gel, aided by sexy music and lighting. then they go about their business, only to return to their cubicle/bedroom to find random women orgasming into their headsets or sheets.

the point i think is that these perfumed gels are so damn intoxicatingly hot that female passers-by are drawn by the scent and find themselves climaxing spontaneously, regardless of the scenery. this can be quite embarassing, you would think, to have an overpowering screamer in someone else's cubicle, but the woman doesn't seem to mind.

perhaps she's part of the majority of women worldwide who have so much trouble finding themselves, she's happy to make the discovery anywhere.

but what makes these ads heart-rending is the message they might be sending out to impressionable young boys and girls everywhere. there are not many of them left, it's true, which makes the remaining ones that much more precious. is there a chance that ads like these will lead them to believe in the pervasiveness of the female orgasm? will they grow up thinking a woman is really quite simple to please, given the right perfume/wheels/soft drink/cooking range?

and you know it's not just the ads either, it's movies and music videos and everywhere else. in these setups perfectly hot women seem grateful for any kind of attention and will melt obligingly at the slightest touch or tickle. but then in real life, young boys who reek cologne and drive recklessly find the neighbourhood surprisingly deficient in girls creaming their pants. this must lead to some confusion and lots of tragic sex.


Blogger Samanth Subramanian / Baradwaj Rangan said...

Yeah, dammit, where ARE those women?! I even considered getting a job at the same company as Set Wet dude, if only to find the very same woman. But she must be with Set Wet dude now. Sigh.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Deepa said...

as far as i could tell, she didn't give a toss about the dude, it was the headset that reaally did it for her. so you must ask yourself one question: do you really want a whore like that for a girlfriend?
of course you do!

11:13 AM  

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