Friday, July 01, 2005


the past 13 days have been a feast. food, music, movies, and soulsistah for sweet sweet company. my best friend is in town and we're in recharge mode because both our batteries had been bled dry in the past nine months.

are you the best friend kind? i always have been. i've had a different best friend every year of school. multiple best friends if my place was changed around during the course of the year. while they lasted they were fun and uncomplicated. then i would move and we'd unclasp hands with a snap. what do they call it, the elasticity of youth.

nobody said what ever happened to us, we don't talk like we used to. and you didn't go and say hello every lunchbell just to be polite. birthdays were forgotten, phone numbers scrambled away from memory, and inside jokes were relegated to polite unbroken dust.

then the grasp became cunning. in college friends broke up from the stream to form eddies. you get caught up and you catch in turn. sitting on our spot on the steps, we understood things and people. we found a lot of things very funny, even without chemical aid. i didn't have a best friend anymore, i had peoples.

but one of those peoples spoke in a tone that occasionally, then more often, broke away from the common frequency. a distraction, like a storm or a crossconnection. so i turned the dial till the voice crackled clear. it said, say that again and say it slower.

she didn't understand everything, which she continues to do to this day. but she listens like i make sense. and she laughs at all the right places. this is very important because sometimes i miss the punchline. we turn each other upside down, inside out, and go through this whole business bassackwards, simply because our internal compasses are both currently petrified.

recharge mode does many things for you. it fills you up and makes you drunk. it lends you a feline instinct for warmth. it condenses all thought process to a drawn and spiritual aah. but slaked thirst has a better memory of drought. and so a keener anticipation of it.

and darling that's the only good thing about missing you; what it weighs in pain, it lacks wholly in imagination. loneliness has no past at all.


Blogger warya said...

come off wif me. you can be my cabin baggage. i'll slip you terrible airplane food when no one's looking.
come off, abu.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Deepa said...

i might be slightly more than 5 kgs abu. 6 or even 7 kgs i may be.

1:01 AM  

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